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Weird Whispers is open to both electronic and physical submissions for book reviews. Please only send titles that fit within the weird fiction, cosmic horror, and related subgenres. We are not interested in reviewing general horror titles and are also unlikely to review bizarro fiction as well. Review materials sent to us will not be returned.

Please send all electronic review submissions in ePub and Mobi files as attachments or via Dropbox/Google Drive/etc. links. Please do not send queries. Send all files/links to:

Please ship all physical review materials to:

Weird Whispers Reviews
c/o Nightscape Press
PO Box 1715
Mount Juliet, TN 37121-1715

Weird Whispers is currently closed to fiction and nonfiction submissions. If you'd like to see us open for submissions, please drop by the Weird Whispers and More GoFundMe and make a donation or share the link with your friends.

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